LOL: What is the champion who dies least? The answer is in the most hated character

If we stop to think seriously, the balance of League of Legends is practically a miracle. It is true that there are very powerful champions or with very frustrating mechanics. However, it is surprising that the difference in performance between the heroes better located in the Tier List and those that are considered too bad for the qualifying items is only of a few percentage points. It is true that we do well in complaining when things are not right and that for that there is a whole team of experts working, but when we pay attention to details we realize the great difficulties that Riot Games faces.

The champions who die least in League of Legends games


This time, we have decided to focus on what should be one of the most important statistics in order to win a game: not die. It is something that Riot Games workers have even pointed out, which ensure that survival is one of the keys to rise in the long term rank. So indicate the statistics, which show that the players at the top of the qualifying staircase grant an average of 1.5 low less to their rivals . It is quite logical, since most of the times the rivals hunt us is because we make a mistake.

Before continuing, we are going to take a look at this particular Tier List with the champions that die less of all League of Legends.

The first thing we see in the ranking is what we expected. Yuumi is the safest (and hated) character of League of Legends with a lot of difference and when she dies she is usually because her classmates have taken her to that situation. However, from here the surprises arrive. Xerath , a very easy character to hunt, is in the second position thanks to the very high reach of him. It is true that he can hit us with his abilities from very far, but he is not the only champion with these characteristics and other similar heroes, such as Vel’koz, they are much lower in the ranking. In addition, the little difference between him and the aforementioned Yuumi.

Zac , who can relive with his passive and is also the champion who heals the most League of Legends, does not end up surprising us in third position. Nor does Leblanc in the fifth, since it is enough to have played a few games to know that it is very difficult to end her. Something more striking is the fourth position that occupies Shen , a tank without too many ways of escape that tends to be in the riskiest positions of the fight. Even so, it is very likely that the good survival rate of it is due to the fact that it reaches the confrontations to change the screws and, sometimes, when the rivals have already spent their most important cooling.

Attending to the rate of victories of all the characters, there are several conclusions. The first is that it is true that survival is very important when winning games . The data could be higher, but we must bear in mind that these champions are balanced with the statistics in their hand and Riot Games has had the difficulty in giving them fighters when adjusting the rest of their kit. Only Leblanc has very poor numbers, but it is a temporary situation. In fact, for years she has been the champion with more presence of the entire competitive.

In addition, it is easy to establish comparisons. When we did the opposite exercise, detect the characters with more League of Legends deaths, none reached 50% victories. However, and returning to our initial reflection, the conclusion is very striking. Although the most survival champions seem better in the games, The average difference in percentage terms is just over one point (taking into account only champions played in their main position) . It is here Where the miracle of Riot Games enters, which has made characters who die an average of eight times per game are practically the same as those who only do it four times, so that both groups have viable champions.

