LOL: The 5 worst champions of season 12 who need great changes as soon as possible

Once the initial problems are solved, League of Legends is living a season 12 surprisingly peaceful. It is true that there are a few controversies or disagreements between community and developer, but nothing that is not in ways of solution or is too serious. This situation allows us to take the luxury of taking a look at the champions and start demanding Riot Games spinning a little thinner for the next patches to try to fix the characters that are worse the game.

10 MOST HATED Champions in Solo Queue - League of Legends Season 12

The worst champions of League of Legends

There are many reasons why developers do not end up adjusting the characters despite having a paupermal victory rate in the qualifying items. However, there are some champions who have been going through a bad streak in Rankeds. Taking into account this privilege situation with which we do not always have in League of Legends and that Riot Games is already preparing some minireworks for the next patches , it seems that it is time to take a look at the heroes with worse performance of the game and try to solve your systemic problems.

To choose what the worst League of Legends champions will focus on a single objective criterion: the victory rate. It is true that some players will be able to take many heroes a lot of themselves in their qualifying games and should not stop playing them because they do not work for the majority. However, its power as it is measured Riot Games has been very short for the bulk of the community. Perhaps they shine in competitive, but 99% of fans are not able to get all the game that supposedly have , so they need much more ambitious transformations than an increase in power.

Riot Games has been particularly proneful to this type of methods of medium reach over the past few months and soon an interesting transformation to RENGAR will be introduced. Maybe that's what many of the characters that will appear on this list need. However, each case is a world and has its own problems that, of course, we will try to find any other solution. It is clear that it is not easy to do it, but we promise our best.

Now, then you can find the 5 worst League of Legends champions in each of the game positions.
