LOL: Riot announces a great future for the old champions and explains everything about their updates

Season 12 will go down in League of Legends as the year in which Riot Games changed his policy regarding the old champions. In recent months, developers have invested more resources than ever to update characters that had remained in the background. Ahri , Olaf , Swain , Taliyah O Sivir They have benefited from this new work philosophy and there will soon be more additions to the list. The company is very serious with this plan and wanted to clarify the most common doubts of the community in this regard.

The miniature reWorks that are stirring League of Legends

The objective of Riot Games when carrying out those known as Half-reach updates is to initiate a work process that, although expensive, requires less temporary and resources investment than the realization of a complete reWork. Although they do not mention it explicitly, we also see more commonly as developers tend to pivot on existing skills (as with Tahm Kench) instead of creating new spells. However, the introduction of a new ability (such as Olaf's shield) is not out of the possibility.

Thoroughly, the explanation of the developers, the objective of medium-range updates is to polish the game experience, better define their role in strategic terms and, above all, satisfy the fans of this character. In this way, heroes become more attractive without necessarily increase their power and a new balance frame can be created that can solve systemic problems. For example, one of Olaf's clear objectives was to close the balance gap between professionals and classifying game players.

A process with which Riot Games is still experiencing

League of Legends developers admit to learning to carry out this type of update. A situation that has given rise to some errors. For example, during the development of Taliyah they experienced with a skill that had been very well received among the testing team. However, the players who already used this champion did not hesitate to point out that she had lost part of her identity, a situation that led to the immediate cancellation of this change. Although increasing popularity can be one of the objectives, it cannot reach the expense of disappointing fans of a character.

Riot Games wants to establish a relationship of trust with the community in which we all get excited if our character will receive an update of this type. It is something similar to what they have achieved with the ReWorks. Since the ruling committed with Aatrox, the company has put a lot of effort to create updates that respect the players, ensuring that in some way the characters of League of Legends belong to the community. This, of course, can only be achieved by chaining a good job after another.

Honor Looking ahead, Riot Games hopes to master this type of large updates, creating a more defined process that allows more adjustments to the champions that need them. In the words of the developers: As we feel more comfortable with these updates, we would like to reach a point where we can launch them more frequently, because there are a lot of champions we want to help to find a New life in League of Legends.
