Lol: the unresolved mystery for 10 years that still intrigues the community

The novelties of League of Legends usually announce to hype and saucer. Riot Games does not want us to lose the new aspects or launches of champions that will come to renovate the game and do not have the habit of playing it with mysterious additives. At least, that is the current situation. Announcements such as Renata Glasc are hardly carried out. However, in the past he acted in much less clear ways and gave rise to infinity of theories that ended up being true. Among them one on a mysterious element that nobody could hit.

A mysterious Skin or a champion removed?

To understand the obsession of the community with this mystery, a history that was developed between 2012 and 2014 must be understood. During these, the developer released the original cosmetics of the family War machine . A recurring theme of League of Legends who took his first steps and had a very particular feature: many of his aspects had been advanced years earlier and could be seen during the entertainment animation based on the Skin Viktor creator .

This situation allowed the community to advance the skins that would come to League of Legends by successful in two cases: Kog'Maw and Skarner. Completed predictions that failed for the mysterious figure, that was also part of the animation back based on this aspect and began to appear repeated in very different elements. Some of the portraits of these skins or the promotional material showed very insistently a winged character with metallic appearance for these cosmetics.

The immediate reading was that the element was repeated too much as not to be important in the war machine universe. In this way, it was gaining points the possibility that it was a 'teaser'- this led many players to think about the incorporation of Anivia to this family of Skins . However, the champion never came to appear and the myth was getting bigger, waking up some theories that pointed to something much more ambitious: a new character.

10 BEST SOLO CARRIES You NEED To Abuse in League of Legends Patch 12.5 - Season 12 The climbing in theories was, to a large extent, Riot Games fault. One of the fragments in which this figure was shown is part of the upgrade to the portrait of Urgot war machine on the occasion of his rework in 2018. In this way, the old belief returned with several means becoming echoing it and a lot of movement of the community in social networks. It was possible to speculate even with the possible release of a champion-shaped champion that, of course, never came to the game.

Despite everything, surprises that no Riot Games employee has resolved the mystery . The developer is usually quite transparent with many anecdotes of his past and is very unusual that allowing one of these mysteries to be forever. We are more supporters of the theory of Anivia and the possibility that it is a discarded aspect. Although we would like to think that a character with such a particular way could reach League of Legends, it looks like a nightmare of production to which they would never have given green light.
