Acquisition of Wallgaming Sydney Studio, Riot

Riot Games announced the acquisition of 'War gaming Sydney Studio' on the 17th.

War gaming Sydney Studio changes its name to Riot Sydney. Molly Mason-Bullion will contribute to strengthening Riot Games' global development capabilities. Riot Games plans to promote the growth of the Australian game industry and continue to secure professional manpower.

Riot Sydney's predecessor participated in developing famous PCs and console games such as World of Tanks and World of Warships. The next-generation game development tool and server were produced and various R & D projects were carried out. Big World Technology, its own engine, has been used in many MMO games and has achieved a single server-simultaneous user Guinness world record (19,541).


We are happy to be with competent development personnel, said Riot Games Mark Mary co-founder and game division. It says.

We have been impressed with the cultural consensus of both companies by collaborating with Riot Games in the past, said Riot Sydney.

For more information, please visit the official website of Riot Games.
