LOL: The champion mistreated by Riot that developers use as a test doll

All League of Legends players have a special relationship with some champions. Maybe they are simply our favorites, they remind us of some great moment that we have spent playing with our friends or there is something in their history that has made us connect with them. This phenomenon is not exclusive to the community and Riot Games workers also have some heroes to those who keep affection for very special reasons . A strange relationship between developers and characters that is usually explained thanks to very particular situations that are rarely known outside the company. However, there is one that those responsible for designing the video game have shown us countless times.

The practices doll used by League of Legends developers


The case we are referring to is that of Annie . This champion arrived in League of Legends during the course of the first tests to which the community had access and only that makes it one of the units with the most history of the entire video game. However, what really makes her special even thirteen years after launch, is that she is the character most mistreated by Riot Games workers. We do not say in metaphorical terms or referring to her difficulties to shine in the games, if not in the strictest literal sense.

Annie is used by Riot Games employees as Dummy . That term is the one used to refer to the dolls that are usually used to make potentially mortal tests for the human being. For example, when the resistance of cars is proven accidentally, they are used to calculate how many damages a real person would have suffered. Well, something like that is what happens in League of Legends: when a new champion is created and in a large number of cases also with the new skins, Annie is used to suffer all the abilities of her enemies.

One of the examples in which this situation is evident is evident is in the visual improvements that the champions are recently receiving. In all cases, an Annie is used to receive the impacts of spells and that the community can see how they will look during the games. Of course, we refer only to the footage shared by Riot Games workers. Skinspothts, the most popular page of the community to show the new skins, usually primed Katarina.

Although we would like to be able to give a detailed explanation about why Riot Games chose Annie for this purpose, the truth is that she has never become public or disappeared over time and the extinction of the old forums. Most likely, developers will simply select it during the first years for being a medium-sized champion that does not hide the screen too much. She is much less spectacular than an enistar, but bigger than a teem. A middle ground that also offers a much more real vision than the practices dolls that we can invoke in the League of Legends training tool.

Today Riot Games could modify the internal test tool to make any other character that appeared. However, developers have already become accustomed to Annie and have taken love in this dangerous function. To assume the work that would mean modifying it, although it could be resolved in just a few days, it simply does not worth it and would not be too useful. In that sense, Annie will continue in her unfortunate situation until League of Legends disappears . Our condolences for her the funesto future.
