LOL: The champion that Riot has been improving for 7 years and is still one of the worst of the game

League of Legends has more than a decade of development behind him and the simple passage of time is one of the most important factors for the balance of the champions. As the seasons advance, players purify the strategy looking for the most appropriate way to raise the games to get a victory. In this way, a series of priorities are established and the characters that best adapt to specific needs are selected. The problem of this evolution is that there are heroes that may not adapt to the new circumstances and remain in the deepest of the forgetfulness.

The champion Riot Games has been improving for years

One of the most extreme examples for this type of characters is that of Ziggs . The Loc of the Bombas had a glorious past in League of Legends, becoming even one of the most feared competitive champions during season 4. The problem is that since then it has not shone again, and it will not be because Riot Games did not has tried. If we review your historical changes, we find that all seasons have received improvements. In total, Riot Games has made 11 attempts to increase his performance in the games over the last seven years.

Logic would tell us that any champion who has received so many consecutive improvements should be one of the most powerful of League of Legends, but nothing is further from reality. The ziggs victorious rate in the central lane varies as the patches advance, but currently not even reaches 50%. All this, being selected only in one in every one hundred games and without having appeared in the professional game as Mid Lair throughout the season. In fact, In none of the last eight years of competition has been selected consisting of this position.


The big problem is that, although Ziggs has very interesting characteristics, he does not offer what is expected of a Mid Laner. His functions are cleaning subjects, throwing turrets and inflicting damage. They are functions that his skills play brilliantly. However, the full champion kit lacks tools that allow him to shine al1. He is one of the worst characters in the side streets since it is easy to hunt him and he has no survival tools. This situation, on the realistic stage of a game of League of Legends, makes it almost impossible to demonstrate his power.

Due to these circumstances, Ziggs has had moments of glory in the lower lane accompanied by an support, but here another problem arises. Although there is nothing wrong with the character in this position since his performance is very good, players simply do not want to use it in this role. Historically, the League of Legends community has shown its non-resounding to the possibility of bringing magicians to a line traditionally dominated by shooters. Even are the characters with the most victories in rankeds according to statistics, nobody simply chooses this role to play this type of heroes.

In this sense, We will have to see what path Riot Games takes . Seven years have passed trying to improve the champion without having too much success, but maybe there is a new attempt now that the company is more active than ever with the second opportunities to the oldest characters in League of Legends. Until now it does not seem that they have given the battle for loss. I would not surprise that in the face of the next patches, perhaps before the 2022 Worlds, there is some surprise for our mad of the bombs.
