Lol: the forgotten promise of Riot on a patch of two years ago that the community recalled

More than two years ago, Riot Games made a promise to the players of League of Legends . It was a commitment that did not seem too important, but that the community wanted to remember to point out the forgetting of developers. The change was related to Malzahar and it was a simple modification in the name one of its skills. It was concretely its W (swarm of vacuum) , which should be called as swarm zz'rot as a reminder of the object when it was eliminated from the game. The company promised to do so on patch 9.23, and until now I never carry out the change.

Forgotten changes of Riot on the patches of League of Legends

This situation does not happen to be a curiosity that probably Riot Games forgot to implement. The promise was made during the pre-season patches and the community did not pay too much attention, so with a few weeks before the next version the developers misleaded and did not introduce this small adjustment . However, this situation of Malzahar is not exclusive to the champion and serves us as a pretext to talk about other occasions in which Riot Games forgot much more important things about the patches of League of Legends.

Riot Spent YEARS On A League of Legends Game Mode That

One of the most famous changes that Riot Games forgot on a patch is related to Soraka . Since its launch and for a long time, the champion had a very interesting function in the final that eliminated the serious injuries before healing the allies. However, this mechanics was erased when developers experienced with certain adjustments for the healing reduction system and ceased to make sense. However, just six months later the changes were reversed without replenishing the eliminated mechanics, which took five years to re-enter the game again.

Similar cases have affected other League of Legends champions. Rammus Continue without being able to get lonely dragons because of an entered setting to stop the old version of Pantheon. The transformation consisted of converting the basic attacks of dragons into skills and prevents the armadillo properly use its W (defensive position) to inflict damage to the target. In this way, you can barely hit it with q (power ball) and basic attacks. Something that Riot Games could have changed when he carried out the character's rework for which the change was made.

Throughout the history of the game there have been more similar cases. The truth is that developers, like all of us, also forget some of their promises or the changes they carried out with respect to League of Legends systems. Over time, these seem to stay at the bottom of a mountain of papers to never be recovered by the developer.
