Valorant: The Spanish agent created by an artist of the community that we would like to see in the game

One of the most interesting particularities of valorant is that each character is originally from a real world country. The agents show winks to the culture of the nation of which they come, combining their powers with references of the most interesting. A custom that has led players from all over the world who are still not represented to ask Riot Games to introduce a hero from their place of origin. Of course, we still have the arrival of a Spaniard, although A community artist has made the wait much more enjoyable sharing the own creation of her of her.

The Spanish character who needs Valorant

From the hand of Wanda , one of the most prolific Spanish artists and followed by Riot Games fans, we have been able to meet Sol . This agent would be inspired by the south of Spain, becoming a national representative for the team of people of Valorant. As the Creator has pointed out, the Spanish culture has never enjoyed too much representation in the most popular video games. A tendency to which she has remedied him waiting for the developers to decide to give us something more attention.

From the same name of the character, Wanda has wanted to pay particularly to the territories south of the country with an agent loaded with vitamin D for which he has presented different concepts, having decided by one where the red and gold tones prevail. A creation that moves away from some of the most common stereotypes, but also makes subtle references to flamenco. A part of the references to this art is in the posture in which she presented to Sun that, interestingly, she has been confused with a reference to anime Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

In addition to having been a very well-valued creation by the community, the artist has also caught the attention of Riot Games employees . It is not the first time that some mandamos of the company are interested in the work of it. On this occasion it has been Edgar Medina, Country Manager of Iberia and Italy, which has pointed out the good work of the artist as an "absolute one way" both "in art and in the applied logic". A few words that, of course, arrived in the form of praise.

Valorant Voice Actor Name For All Agents

It is currently impossible to determine what the provenance of the next Valorant agent could be. The developer has been choosing different countries, being the United States the only one that has two unique heroes (Viper and Brimstone). The last stop of the developer was in the Philippines with the launch of Neon and sure that Spain would be an interesting option. However, there are infinity of options: Many areas of the center or southern Africa, Latin America or minority regions of Asia are also waiting for their own agent.

What is certain is that soon we can see more about this character. Wanda has assured having a few things in the oven to continue showing us at sun in all the splendor of her of her. At the moment, she is going to imagine her skills and what could be her position in case of finally coming to Valorant.

As we have mentioned, the creation corresponds to Wanda. You can see some additional jobs in Ella ArtStation profile.
