Steam curiosity: This game is the system requirements only deco

In times of RayTracing and Co., matches require maximum performance of your PCs. High-end equipment is there program. But there are also opposite games that do not require more than a toaster as a graphics card of you. For that you have to dig deep on Steam - this sympathetic role-playing game with an getting used to optics is one of them.

Whether storage games such as Call of Duty or current blockbuster games that require tons of graphics card and processor power: If you want to enjoy high-resolution graphics, you must have a powerful PC. Some games are deliberately set a contrary trend.

Nepenthe runs on every PC

Nepenthe is one of these games. In May 2018, the role-playing game appeared on Steam and already sets sympathy in his description. Thus, it says that Nepenthe is a game _ "with a terrible sense of humor" _. The special feature is in a graphic style: Everything is drawn by hand and looks fresh from a kindergarten.

This also knows the developer and even says itself: either you loves the style at first glance or yard your computer directly out of the window. The latter, however, is not a recommendable act. However, those who can not be deterred by the style must not worry about system requirements. The fall as low as it works:

Top 35 NEW PC Games of 2021

  • Operating system: Each, which has appeared in the last decade.
  • Processor: One that works.
  • Memory: 490 MB
  • graphics card: A toaster - it really should not cause any problems.
  • Sound card: Yes
  • Other notes: Be sure your computer is on.

Can that convince in the end? After all, 93 percent of user ratings on Steam are positive. However, Nepenthe has not found too many buyers yet.

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Of course, it is also: with the graphic highlights such as the Microsoft Flight Simulator or a Red Dead Redemption 2, Nepenthe can not compete in externally. But it also runs almost on every PC and laptop.
