Valorant: How many players have been punished by Toxics? The developers give the answer

The impossible battle of Riot Games at Valorant is to end the toxicity once and for all. The last thing the developers want is to allow our game sessions to become a hell because of the attitude that the rest of the team members take with respect to the game. Striving and trying to win is fine as long as we act positively, but it is no secret that soon can give rise to insults and mistakes of respect that the developer wants to eradicate.

Valorant Gets Serious About AFK and Toxicity Punishments!

The reality of toxicity in Valorant

Riot Games efforts are evident and developers have wanted to make public the figures of players sanctioned each month along with a few promises in the future. A publication in which the company demonstrates that the situation is as bad as many make them see. On average, over the last year, there have been more than 300,000 players sanctioned each month with communication restrictions caused by their attitude during the games. A scandalous figure that, yes, takes into account all the servers in the world.

Riot does not want to ignore the severity of the situation and over the last months sanctions has increased so that it is more likely to derive in a game restriction that can even become permanent. In this sense, the average of the developer's punishment is something more discreet, but also very high: about 40,000 players every month they come restricted their access to the game. A trend that also shows that, by hard to be punishments, are not very effective in reducing toxicity.

Future changes to Valorant to reduce toxicity

Although Riot Games has launched this data to make players who are really working on Valorant systems, the developer is committed to carry out changes over the next updates of the game. A long-term project with the intention of reducing the toxicity to the minimum possible that will focus on four basic points.

  • Stricter sanctions : Riot Games has been increasing punishments so far, and will continue to be done within reasonable limits now that they have greater confidence in detection systems. The severity of sanctions and its progression in the Reincident players will be more aggressive.
  • Immediate moderation : Instead of punishing bad behaviors after items, developers seek way of doing so during the course of them.

  • Improvements in the voice chat : is "Achilles heel" of Valorant, but the company is committed to updating its systems more often in order to take action against players who hide in this communication system. We can expect a great update in the middle of this year.

  • Regional Programs : Riot will create an operating line with player assistance agents who will review reports related to behavior manually attending to a guide created by the company. At the moment it only works in Turkey, but if it shows an effect it will be extended to the rest of the world.

In addition to these proposals, Riot Games also will launch a voice evaluation system that will start operating only in English to prove its effectiveness thanks to changes in privacy policies. With it they hope to detect all players who use this powerful tool to communicate in Valorant and restrict their use to those who deserve it, being able to derive in the sanctions that we have already mentioned. A complete program that will take a time to develop, but with which the developer hopes to have put all the measures that depended on them on the table.
